Rychlé vyhledávání


Velocity Global

První výskyt: 02.2008

Text hoaxu

 We are here to offer you a complete decent earnings rate without requiring  special knowledge, except for basic idea of money transfer system and perhaps some accounting skills. You  definitely had a chance to send or receive money from your relatives or friend, that's something that one is accustomed to and, in deed, rather simple. Besides it's cheap and reliable.
Well, we need your help, because, we want to make our business in the countries you live, so what is a trifle for you might be of vital importance for us.
The problem is that we lose a bunch of money by making maney transfer from US, say to Europe. With your help it can turn out to be much cheaper. What you save for us you earn for yourself. We need to save our clients' money as well as time, that's the way we do our business.

We can attach, if needed, a detailed view on the scheme of the entire process:

1.Our company is investing in all the major trading markets, mainly software.
2.The supplier contacts us with an offer.
3.After we have reviewed an offer we decide if we are willing (or not)  to be engaged in promoting their products.
4.We arrange an agreement  between a supplier and our company.
5.Clients contact us in order to purchase these products and after they sign an agreement , we start transacting.
6.We redirect the client's payment to you and after you'll keep our(and yours) earnings, it is your obligation to transfer the rest (85%).
All the transfer expenditures will be covered by the supplier.
Our company will never ask you for any money to be spent out of your pocket

SO, if feel qualified, here are the requirements:

Requirements :
1. Basic knowledge in Acconting and payment transactions.
2. The possibility to accept at least one of this payment methods :
a) Wire transfer
b) Checks
3. Promptitude in sending the payment to the supplier.
4. Reliable credit history
5. Accuracy and punctuality.
For details visit our site.

Poznámka redaktora

Pravděpodobně nábor bílých koní pro převody peněz z vykradených účtů klientů bank.

Adresa stránky: http://www.hoax.cz/hoax/velocity-global/
Alternativní odkaz: http://www.hoax.cz/index.php?section=hoax&action=hoax_detail&id=760

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Týdny mediálního vzdělávání - NA PRAVDĚ ZÁLEŽÍ
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NEŠLAPE.CZ - NEŠLAPE Vám počítač? Odvirování PC, zrychlení počítače, ...
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Safer Internet
ToolStore - Nářadí, nástroje, pomůcky, nože, kvalitní rukavice

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